Diana Kaplan, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology has a vast experience working in both, the USA and Argentina. Dr Kaplan is also certified as a Brain Health Professional Trainer and ADHD Coach and in the last years she worked on Neurofeedback and Cognitive Neurofeedback Treatments specializing in treating ADHD in children and adults, as well as with adults who experience age related cognitive decline and memory fog.

Dr Kaplan work includes assessment, evaluations and psychotherapy to families and adults suffering from depression, obsessions and phobias as well as children and adolescents suffering from ADHD, Tourette’s Disorder and Learning Disabilities. She completed a Fellowship in Developmental Disabilities at New York University Medical Center, NY, NY and a Fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital at the Pain Treatment Center working with a variety of Pain Patients with complicated psychopathologies. In Argentina she worked as a psychologist providing Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to a variety of patients as well as Biofeedback treatments. Dr. Kaplan studied Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at the Post Graduate Center for Mental Health, NY, NY and at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, NY, NY. She was the Founder of the Hopeful Dawn Foundation, an organization dedicated to create Centers to facilitate research, prevention and treatments to war veterans and other young adults who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorders and other psychiatry disorders. She was also the Associate Editor for Dr. J.G.Young and Associates for the books presented at the International Association for Child and Adolescence Psychiatry and Allied Professions. Dr Kaplan received her Doctoral degree from the University in Buenos Aires, Argentina.