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Do you have difficulty paying attention or focusing?
Are you suffering from stress?
Are you disorganized or have difficulty completing assignments or finishing homework on time?
Are you experiencing memory fog, forgetfulness, or memory lapses?
Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties remembering recent events or you repeat yourself?

We can help!!

Attention, focus and memory are brain based! The brain is the control center of the body and is responsable for every behavior, thought and feeling we experience. It is the most complex organ in the body and consists of billions of neurons that communicate with each other and control every aspect of our life. Every action we take, every decision we make, and every emotion we feel begins in the brain. However, we never think about the brain and how to take care of it.
With a better brain comes a better, happier, successful and peaceful life. We can help you improve how your brain functions by retraining your brain so you will be calmer, more focused, attentive. You will have a better memory and well-being.

How do we help

In order to help you we use a combined program with latest technology, assessment, personalized coaching and stress management tools. We use Cognitive Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Meditation, Stress Management and Brain Health Coaching to teach you how to improve your brain functioning and lead a more positive calmer and productive life.

How it works

After an initial assessment, we will develop and customize a plan for you. We will send you either the remote Neurofeedback headband or the Play Attention Bodywave and will coach you towards your goals.

Cognitive Neurofeedback and Neurofeedback, Stress Management and Brain Health coaching improves how you function by improving how your brain operates. Cognitive Neurofeedback, a Nasa inspire technology, measures your brain activity indicative of your attentive state. Attention becomes concrete and voluntary.

What we Specialize in

Age Related Cognitive Challenges

At any age you can enjoy an optimal performance of your brain.
You can train your brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline

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We help you to reduce your symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity so you can lead a productive life.
We coach you towards your academic and emotional goals

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Attention and Memory

Paying Attention is the first step in the learning process.
You will learn to sustain your attention, develop a sharp memory and self regulate.

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Executive Functions

Executive functions are essential for success in life; allows us to complete tasks, regulate our emotions, plan, organize, manage our time, sustain attention, avoid procrastination and even adaptable thinking.

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Diana Kaplan, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology has a vast experience working in both, the USA and Argentina. Dr Kaplan is also certified as a Brain Health Professional Trainer and ADHD Coach and in the last years she worked on Neurofeedback and Cognitive Neurofeedback Treatments specializing in treating ADHD in children and adults, as well as with adults who experience age related cognitive decline and memory fog. 


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