After an initial assessment, we will develop and customize a plan for you. We will send you either the remote Neurofeedback headband or the Play Attention Bodywave and will coach you towards your goals.
Cognitive Neurofeedback and Neurofeedback, Stress Management and Brain Health coaching improves how you function by improving how your brain operates. Cognitive Neurofeedback, a Nasa inspire technology, measures your brain activity indicative of your attentive state. Attention becomes concrete and voluntary.
After a personal assessment, we will develop and customize a plan for you and we will coach you towards your goals, like paying attention and regulation of your emotions. The brain regulates emotions such as mood, anger, motivation, behaviors, impulsivity, attention, memory. Once you learn about your brain patterns you can start changing them. It teaches you to became aware of your own brain activity through learning and positive feedback and you change towards your desired direction. Then your performance improves. Once you train your brain, it will never forget how to self regulate. It is like riding a bicycle. You can have better control of your behavior, manage your stress level, became calm and more focus, improve attention and memory. Extensive research supports all these techniques for specific conditions such as ADHD, Cognitive Fitness, Stress and Anxiety.